wet cat, drenched, soaked, unhappy, unimpressed, funny animals, cat

Things we’ve learnt in 2020

  • It is impossible to look sane in the rain.
  • If you bake all the bread, you eat all the bread.
  • If you make all the cocktails, you drink all the cocktails.
  • Naps in the middle of the afternoon are not the same as taking five minutes off to make a cup of tea.
  • Zoom is only tolerable if you are fully made up and can at least stare at yourself for the entire duration.
  • Netflix is like a bad boyfriend. It knows exactly how to play you.
  • Doing your make-up after a month of not doing your make-up is like prehistoric man cave-painting for the first time.
  • It is not that necessary to get dressed.
  • Running is for children.
  • Trying to read a novel when you’re stressed is completely pointless.
  • Staying in every night does not mean you get more sleep.
  • You would take a bullet for your dog.
  • No one is fine.
  • It is possible to multitask – for example you can lose your mind and chill at the same time.
  • Your sanity depends on David Attenborough staying alive.
  • Elasticated waistbands are for winners.
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