Try not to worry. You are not having a breakdown/losing your mind/about to spontaneously combust/rapidly approaching death/going to end up living in a tree. It’s not your fault. None of it. Mercury is in retrograde. So the fact that nothing seems to make sense is totally the fault of this little planet. Weird, yes. But true, probably.
The world is essentially divided into those who believe in the power of Mercury to disrupt like a motherfucker and those who don’t. If you don’t, we can be friends but never really close. But you believe, right? So it’s OK.
Mercury rules communication, clear thinking, truth and travel, so when the planet goes into retrograde (i.e. hangs out nearer the sun so looks like it’s going backwards, away from Earth) everything simply goes nuts. As in don’t make any big plans, don’t worry if you are arguing with everyone and don’t panic: It’s going to be a shit show until the 2nd of June and then back to “normal”. Please focus on this important fact. It is only temporary – like most stressful things in life. See? You feel better already.
P.S. If you are ever in any doubt, go to Essential. Like breathing.