Do not under-estimate the boost delivered by looking in the mirror and seeing sparkles. Sometime BSD brushes some glitter on to just… watch telly. Then every time she catches sight of herself she sees a twinkle rather than a spot or a wrinkle.
Stila are particularly good at sparkle – they tread a fine line between glow and glitter and end up with a kind of glimmering gleam that is neither dispiritingly subtle nor Barbara Cartland deranged. Always put on make-up like you mean it or don’t bother. There needs to be intention or there is merely… ceremony with little effect.
At the moment, BSD is playing with Stila’s Heaven’s Dew Palette; a triptych of three domed powder shadows/highlighters in shades reminiscent of moonlight, sunset and nightclub. They are probably intended for the cheekbones but are brilliant on eyelids and intensely atmospheric when dotted in the corner of the inner eye… a drop of starlight, if you like.
BSD has a few of these palettes; some ten years old. They don’t go off. They don’t date. And – every now and then – when you’re in the mood, they give you a little swoosh of magic that can make the difference between doleful and hopeful. As the labels often say: use as required. Repeat if necessary.
Stila Shina Bright, Heaven’s Dew Palette, £45