grace kelly, to catch a thief

12 more things… you know if you’re a Midult

  1. Finding your first grey pube is a terrible shock. And then you move on.
  2. You are always curious about your shrink’s sex life.
  3. Your mother is in shop windows.
  4. If you check out of technology, you are checking out of life. Don’t do it.
  5. You become aware of your legacy. This might turn you into Tony Blair so be careful.
  6. You become obsessed with death admin but not death itself…yet.
  7. If you don’t have any old friends you should be worried.
  8. You talk about sleep more than you talk about sex.
  9. Infidelity doesn’t necessarily mean it’s over. Contempt does.
  10. Things get stuck in your teeth.
  11. Something always hurts.
  12. And then you think it’s cancer.
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